We learned in 2021 that Liquid Hydrogen is a key fuel to achieve #ZeroEmissions, this was set out by Airbus #ZeroE and confirmed by Aerospace Technology Institute with #FlyZero. At HyFlux we remain focused two key building blocks from 2022 we continue our work on Thermal Management with Cyrogenic Hydrogen and we work to accelerate our motor development for superconducting demonstration within two years having a scalable solution for turboprop replacements.
We look forward to advancing our pace with partners, and accelerating the ambition aligned with the UK Strategy for aerospace propulsion, and the use of hydrogen.

- We learned that Liquid Hydrogen is the best option for Zero Emissions Aviation - Primary Energy Source Comparison
- The need for Thermal Management in all configuration's is key to all the Scout Aircraft

- By fusing technologies together to create scout aircraft, with each scout unveiled in September represented a wide range of innovative aircraft configurations each incorporating zero-carbon emissions technologies with the potential to propel the next generation of aircraft into our skies. Technologies being investigated by the FlyZero team include, tanks, cryogenic systems, hydrogen fuel cells, hydrogen combustion turbines, battery electric, thermal and fluid management and aerodynamic structures including dry wing, joined wing and blended wing body.
- Super-conducting Motors and Drives were not investigated in detail, further work is to be done.
Watch this space for more announcements in 2022 and looking forward to working with you.
#aerospace #strategy #technology